Devsons are appointed Platinum distributors of Bosch in Kenya Devsons have now been appointed as sole agents for Spanjaard in Kenya Devsons is a Kenya Top 100 Mid-Sized Company Our new secure Ecommerce website is For a faster response to your query, contact us on WhatsApp 0711449041 Our Nairobi branch is open - 26 Mogotio Rd, Westlands Our Safety Footwear conform to EN ISO 20345:2011 EUROPEAN standards


n boating, a fender is a bumper used to absorb the kinetic energy of a boat or vessel berthing against a jetty, quay wall or other vessel. Fenders are used to prevent damage to boats, vessels and berthing structures.

  • Ball Fender

    Fitted with inflating/deflating nylon valve; every single model is inflated and tested twice. White with blue head. (*:to demand). POLYFORM” U.S. BUOYS “A” SERIES-

  • Hercules Fenders

    Fenders of excellent quality and durability, with inflatio valve bushings and reinforced in the rings. White colour, blue head.

  • PolyFoam Fenders

    POLYFORM” U.S. FENDERS “F” SERIES. Fitted with inflating/deflating nylon valve; every single model is inflated and tested twice. White with blue head. (*:to demand)