n boating, a fender is a bumper used to absorb the kinetic energy of a boat or vessel berthing against a jetty, quay wall or other vessel. Fenders are used to prevent damage to boats, vessels and berthing structures.
Ball Fender
Fitted with inflating/deflating nylon valve; every single model is inflated and tested twice. White with blue head. (*:to demand). POLYFORM” U.S. BUOYS “A” SERIES-
Hercules Fenders
Fenders of excellent quality and durability, with inflatio valve bushings and reinforced in the rings. White colour, blue head.
PolyFoam Fenders
POLYFORM” U.S. FENDERS “F” SERIES. Fitted with inflating/deflating nylon valve; every single model is inflated and tested twice. White with blue head. (*:to demand)